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Terms of Use

General Conditions

This website is property of U Grow Academy Ltd., a company established accordingly to the legislation of Republic of Bulgaria, registered with Commercial Register with the Registry Agency under UIC 206908304, with its seat and registered address in Republic of Bulgaria, 1202 Vyzrajdane distr., No 6 Ilarion Makariopolski Str, 3rd floor, represented by the Managing Director and the Chief Executive Officer – Mrs. Dilyana Dragomirova Marcheva.

U Grow Academy Ltd. has the right to introduce any changes whatsoever in the data and conditions without preliminary notification. Having accessed this site and the information contained in it, you accept that you are aware of the conditions specified here below and this Policy of Use.

Intellectual property rights

The whole content of this website is the subject of U Grow Academy Ltd’s intellectual property with all preserved rights, restrictions and legal consequences. You can view or print out pages and/or sections provided that you do not violate the provisions of and the actions permitted by the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act and the Bulgarian legislation. You cannot reproduce (completely or in parts), distribute, perform, forward (electronically or in any other manner), modify and adapt, make links to or use for any public or commercial purpose whatsoever this website without the explicit written permission of U Grow Academy Ltd. obtained in advance. For avoidance of doubt, the restrictions for unpermitted use applies to the registered trademarks of U Grow Academy Ltd.

Links to other sites

U Grow Academy Ltd. will not be responsible for information (including its completeness) contained in any websites, which this website contains hyperlinks to.

Guaranteed non-disclosure of information containing personal data

U Grow Academy Ltd. herewith undertakes to guarantee inviolability of information containing personal data submitted on-line by users by filling in forms or electronic correspondence. Learn more about the manner in which we process personal data from our Privacy Policy.


U Grow Academy Ltd. will maintain up-dated information on the website, which does not rule out the possibility that sometimes omissions may occur for objective reasons. U Grow Academy Ltd. will not be liable for the consequences, including potential damages, resulting from or connected in any way whatsoever to your access or use of this website except otherwise provided for in the effective Bulgarian legislation. The whole information on the website will be presented in a format that may be changed without preliminary notification. This information will be submitted in compliance with the currently applicable legislation without any guarantee whatsoever for its suitability to a certain objective, inviolability and security against computer viruses or other dangers.

The use of data and information contained in the website will be according to the user’s initiative, will, for the user’s account and at the user’s risk and liability with compliance with the restrictions in favour of the intellectual property rights’ holder, U Grow Academy Ltd. pursuant to the effective Bulgarian legislation. The user will be personally responsible for the perception and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information contained in the website. U Grow Academy Ltd. does not guarantee problem-free and uninterrupted access to this website.

The Company reserves its right to change this Policy of Use at any time in the event of legislative changes, technical changes or for other reasons. The visitor can find the most recent Policy of Use in this section of the website. Any change in the Policy of Use shall enter into force for the visitors immediately after publication, without the need for explicit notification thereof.

By using (including, but not limited to: browsing, clicking on links, entering information, etc.) the website and the information in it, the visitor expresses his/her unconditional consent with the Policy of Use and any subsequent changes thereto as well as that he/she will comply with the Policy of Use.

Each visitor may contact U Grow Academy Ltd. by phone at: +359 884 890 107, as well as on e-mail:

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